One night, there were six of us women out for fun. We all agreed to stop drinking and leave the club by 1 AM, go out to breakfast, and then home. All of us but Laura were at the appointed place at the right time. Laura had come to me, hanging on some disco boy and begged me to wait at the restaurant for her. She was going to have herself an adventure.

9 P.M. (Discovery) AMERICAN CHOPPER: SENIOR VS. JUNIOR Orange County Choppers builds a bike for the Chicago Blackhawks in honor of the Stanley Cup win. Meanwhile Paul Teutul Sr. must take his dog to the emergency room. The Season 2 premiere of"Black Ops Brothers: Howe & Howe Tech," in 10, finds the engineering twins Mike and Geoff Howe with a new store, a new female welder and a big idea which may revolutionize firefighting. Elsewhere the Army orders tracks for a Ripsaw snowmobile with the intention of blowing up them.
Ask your friends and family members. How many pills a day do you take? What does that cost? How much would it cost to grow a plant in your garden? How much profit would the pharmaceuticals and insurance companies make if you grow that plant in your garden? Would their profits turn to losses?
Playing on the road is never straightforward. There are a great deal of adjustments you need to make. This is the first road game under a new staff so I am sure there are some kinks to work out. On the plus side we'll be playing before an unenthusiastic crowd of 25,000 Tree lovers on recreational marijuana. Usually close to 10,000 Husky fans show up because we travel well and have a great deal of alumni in the Bay Area. Since our lovers load up on liquor and beer before the game chances are we will create noise. The last time Washington and Stanford Go Here on this hyperlink the road it seemed like it was a home game for UW played with with. In other words I don't think the crowd will be much of a factor. I think it's a great street game for us ready for Notre Dame the next week.
KQED reports that a program is in the works to strengthen enforcement of marijuana - a move that may indicate seizure of land rented to cannabis club and marijuana operations. If medical marijuana is legal now, how can that be? Well, here is the rub - it is prohibited under federal statute, although legal in California.
Is there? Try saying it out loud. "Police state." Watch how the words feel in your mouth. If you're afraid you can whisper it.
8) Show up for your appointments. Too many missed appointments will cause you to get fired (again). It's disrespectful, especially with no advance. Put yourself in their shoes, they're currently setting time aside to help. Show up for therapy, procedures, and your doctor visits, and get much better!